Clawdite (8)Full unit name: Clawdite
Last updated: 29.11.2023 22:32:36
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Basic info
First appearance: Attack of the Clones
Included into
Star Wars The Complete Saga (Blu Ray)
Known Facts (1)
The Hunt for the Hunter (1) »
Clawdites were a humanoid sentient species native to the planet of Zolan. They were one of the few shape-shifting species in the galaxy, and were sometimes referred to as Changelings. In their natural form, Clawdites had the appearance of reptilian humanoids, and in fact had evolved from reptomammals. They had sunken cheeks with a narrow nose and a small mouth. A thin line ran down their foreheads and creased the center of their noses. They possessed large eyes with slit-like pupils, and their irises could be yellow, gold, or blue. Their skin was considered to be rough, and ranged in color from green to yellow. Overall, their appearance was identical to that of their genetic forebears, the Zolanders. Due to genetic manipulation, Clawdites possessed the extremely rare ability to change their appearance. When using this ability, they could change the color and texture of their skin and eyes, mimicking the appearance of other similarly-shaped beings, such as Humans. Shifting into a Weequay
Sentient Species
, a species with similar facial features, was considered to be an easy task. Though they could not add physical mass to their bodies, they were able to form hair, and could actually make it quite long. Clawdites were also able to mimic the appearance of clothing or jewelry, provided that the item laid directly on their skin, as it was merely a manipulation of their skin's texture. They could not change the appearance of their actual clothing, and had to rely on holographic technology in order to change such items.


See also
Known members
Zam Wesell
Known for being a members of the following organizations
Bounty Hunter
Complete list

Full unit name: Clawdite Last updated: 29.11.2023 22:32:36